Canada Post address verification software eliminates the cost of undeliverable or lost mail. Do you know how mail is sorted? Addresses are read by machines. If the label is unclear, a city and postal code do not match, or a postal code is missing, it must be manually read and sorted. This can delay the process by upwards of five hours. Worse still, it could end up in an Undeliverable Mail Office. These items are kept for seven months in the hope that the owner will be found after which they are destroyed or sold based on value.
Lost mail affects your business success in more ways than one. In addition to driving up operational costs, it creates a negative impression about your company and could lead to loss of customers. An address verification tool that meets Canada Post standards can resolve almost all problems associated with incomplete and inaccurate address data. Every business should have one.
Here are some more valuable tips to prevent your mail from becoming unsortable.
- Use a proper box or envelope and tape the sides to prevent it from being ripped in a sorting machine.
- Ensure the barcode is visible; do not tape over it as it may prevent the scanner from reading it.
- If you are using forms with multiple copies, press hard so that the address is visible on the final one.
- Make sure to put your return address to prevent it from being sent to an Undeliverable Mail office.
- Be careful with postal codes; it is the most important part of the address because it is read by scanners, and determines how mail is sorted and delivered in Canada.
An SERP address verification system validates and corrects mailing lists according to Canada Post requirements right from the time of data input. This helps ensure efficient communication with your customers and promotes positive responses. You will save on the additional costs associated with lost or undeliverable mail.
Would you like to improve your company’s performance? NovaMG offers an exceptional address verification system that conforms to Canada Post standards to ensure your customers have a seamless experience.
Call NovaMG today at 416-915-4258 (GTA) or 1-866-611-8353 (toll free from Canada/U.S.) to Request A Free Consultation and know more about our Canada Post address verification solution.
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