Planning a direct mail campaign? Is mailing address verification part of your blueprint? Making sure you have the right addresses can save you time, effort and stress.
Here are some important reasons why you need mailing address verification:
- Customers could have moved or changed their postal address
- Handwritten addresses are not always legible and you might misread them
- Important parts of the address could be incorrect or change as a result of amalgamation of new municipalities e.g. the postal code
- Difficulties with software interpretation (as in the case of optical character readers not being able to decipher handwritten information) can lead to wrong addresses
- Vital information could be missing e.g. building or suite number
- Spellings could be wrong; as a result, mail could end up in the wrong place
- Format may not conform to Canada Post standards prompting delays or returned mail
What’s the point of sending direct mailers to the wrong address? Many of them are not returned and you might never even know that the address was the problem. You may just assume the customer was not interested and cross them off your list. The client could also think you don’t care and simply move over to a competitor. Can you really afford to take that chance?
Wrong addresses translate to missed opportunities. The right mailing address verification tool gives you powerful address quality functionality that reduces costs and improves customer service by getting your address data right the first time.
Begin every direct mailing campaign with mailing address verification. Correct errors before they impact your bottom line.
Call NovaMG today at 416-915-4258 (GTA) or 1-866-611-8353 (toll free from Canada/U.S.) to Request A Free Consultation for more information.
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